Sunday 23 June 2019

Different types of Varicose Vein Treatment:

For the treatment of varicose veins, there are different techniques depending on the type of varicose vein and the diagnosis that the doctor makes after the patient's assessment. There are different types of varicose veins, on the one hand there are telangiectasias, which are those small veins that break on both the face and legs and are known as "aesthetic varicose veins"; these are more superficial and with less cardiovascular involvement, and can be treated well with laser or eclerotherapy treatment.


On the other hand to larger varicose veins that pose a real health problem, for the pain they cause in people who suffer, especially in the hottest months, and also have more severe implications at cardiovascular level. For these varicose veins you can have an option such as sclerotherapy treatment with Microfoam or surgical intervention for the most extreme cases.

Some types of Varicose Vein Removal Procedure are as follows:

Sclerotherapy: It is the ideal treatment to eliminate small varicose veins or superficial spider veins of small extension. It consists in the infiltration in the vein of a sclerosing substance, which will travel through the vein causing its degeneration and finally definitive disappearance. Leg Vein Treatment can also be done in Sclerotherapy.

Microfoam: To eliminate annoying varicose veins and with the risk of degenerating into bigger problems, the best treatment is Sclerotherapy with Microfoam. It is valid for both small varicose veins and large varicose veins. With this treatment a sclerosing substance is introduced into the vein that is damaging to the wall of the vein, initiating a process that leads to the degeneration of the vein until its disappearance.

At first, with the infiltration of the product you can achieve a visual and aesthetic improvement since apparently the varicose vein disappears. This effect is due to the fact that the introduced substance pushes the accumulation of stagnant and deoxygenated blood, which looks red, green or purple, and is replaced by another colorless substance, giving the sensation that the vein has disappeared. Previously, the treatment with sclerotherapy introduced the product in a liquid state, and as it passed through the veins it was able to be reabsorbed by the venous walls. With the Microfoam what is achieved is that the product adheres to the walls of the glass, this is all due to its foam state, and while this microfoam melts it is making an effect on the inner surface of the vein.

The effect of the Microfoam on the vein at first is inflammation; subsequently a kind of fibrosis or scarring of the tissue of the vein is generated, and finally, since it is already degraded or inert tissue, it is reabsorbed by the body. That is why the result of the treatment is definitive, since the veins on which we apply the Microfoam disappear definitively.

Surgical technique: It is a totally effective technique if practiced properly. It consists of disconnecting the vein of its origin and its end, ending by its extraction completely.

Laser Vein Therapy: Laser Treatment For Varicose Veins can also be a good treatment to cure varicose veins.

Monday 17 June 2019

A detail about varicose veins and its treatment

Sometimes only pose an aesthetic problem and others cause real pain in the legs. Be that as it may, the appearance of varicose veins results in a chronic vein problem that, despite having a benign character, must be monitored. In addition, there are easy guidelines to reduce them.

What are varicose veins?


They constitute the most frequent vascular (blood circulation) disease. It is an abnormal dilation of the veins, usually those of the legs (but can affect other areas), due to the excessive accumulation of blood inside.

 The cause is a weakness of the walls of the veins and the valves responsible for the passage of blood through the bloodstream.

Although they are more associated with mature women, varicose veins can also be seen in men, increasing their frequency with age due to the aging process.

How can they affect?

They do not usually cause serious problems, unless they are extreme cases with the appearance of numerous varicose veins and large. But the discomfort can be quite disabling, causing the person to see his quality of life diminished by the pain and the feeling of heaviness, mainly.

If they become complicated, dermatitis-like skin, ulcerations and even blood clots may appear   that will require specific medical treatment.

How can they be prevented?

  • In summer look for cool places. The heat increases the dilation of the vessels, which is why they get worse during this time. And it is better to avoid the sun. Vascular Doctor Near Me also recommended this Spider Veins Cure.
  • Avoid sources of heat, such as too hot showers, hot wax , stoves and radiators located too close to the legs or clothes that do not sweat .
  • Do more exercise and not stay fixed in the same position for a long time and, if possible, do not cross your legs or bend them.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing, especially those that compress the legs and waists they hinder venous return. Very high heels are also counterproductive.
How are varicose veins treated?

They do not require complicated therapies but easily solve by Endovenous Laser Therapy. In fact, it is usually enough to change the habits of life to relieve discomfort, prevent possible complications and improve their physical appearance.
  • The regular exercise, as well as an excellent preventative measure, improve varicose veins if they have already appeared.
  • Put your legs up (above the level of the heart) when you are resting.
  • The compression stockings have great benefits, especially for those who must spend long periods of time standing. The doctor will indicate which is the most appropriate in each case because there are several types depending on the pressure to exercise and the height at which it is convenient to take them (pantyhose, stocking ...).
Medical treatments for varicose veins

There are medical procedures that eliminate varicose veins or block them so they do not progress. Each case must be studied individually to determine which technique is the most appropriate. The most common are:
  • The sclerotherapy: a substance is injected into the veins that shrink.
  • The Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure, which closes varicose veins with laser or radiofrequency.
  • The phlebotomy removes them with a small needle.
  • The Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment.

Monday 10 June 2019

Top Tips To Remove The Problem Of Spider Veins

Treatments for spider veins: Those red and purple little veins that leave and disfigure the skin of the face, legs and many parts of the body. It causes you great discomfort to see them appear and you can not do anything. Well, that was until now because you are going to know how you can eliminate them, or at least slow down their appearance.

What are spider veins?


They are micro dilatations of blood vessels caused by an abnormality in the normal flow of blood. This causes it to spin, accumulate and show a more intense color under the skin. If it sounds strange to you, it is something similar to the causes of dark circles that are a dilation of the blood vessels around the eyes. If you notice, they match in the color that can go from pink to red and darken from purple to black. But spider veins are very common in the legs, ankles and in the nose. Although aesthetically for you are a problem, if you go to the doctor will tell you that they are not. He will call them telagiectasias and they are somewhat different from varicose veins. These can cause discomfort, pain and health problems.

There is a lot of literature and a lot of scientific information, but what you have to do is that it is caused by poor circulation of blood. If you have small spider veins, those that are a few threads, or a few larger ones that look like a spider web, hence the name, means there are some problems of circulation. If, instead, you begin to observe that the vein threads turn into varicose veins, the problem is evident. This does not mean you are alarmed.  Spider veins are an aesthetic problem but nothing more. You have bad circulation is not to make the will. You can take several paths and do things differently to improve it.

 Treatment to remove spider veins: When spider veins are located in very visible areas such as the face or when they take a larger size you can use surgery to eliminate them. If they are of a small average size or have just come out the best thing is to make the laser compatible with natural products since this has very good results. You can also use creams and lotions that improve the tone of the skin and therefore strengthen the circulation and function of the capillaries.

How To Remove Spider Veins: To remove spider veins there are different methods:

Surgery: This method is indicated to Prevent Varicose Veins. The phlebotomy is a surgical operation that removes Painful Varicose Veins. For this, a focus is used as a guide under the skin that illuminates the system of the person's veins.

Laser Treatment: Laser treatment is the best method for Spider Vein Removal with the best results. Removing spider veins with laser requires a single session and is forever. They do not come out again. Depending on the number you have of them you may need to go to the clinic more than once. But the one that is treated that day disappears forever. You can also consult Vein Clinics Of America Cost to remove spider veins from vein clinics.

What is the reason for the appearance of varicose veins?

The varicose veins are a very common condition, being much more common in women than in men. Its appearance is basically due to circulation problems that cause the accumulation of blood in some areas of the body and dilate the veins, which can be perceived from the outside and commonly known as varicose veins. In the case that you are reading this article, it is possible that you or someone close to you have varicose veins and are looking for a solution. Throughout this text you will find the benefits of varicose vein surgery for saphenectomy, but remember that there is also another surgery, that of varicose veins with laser, which also has numerous benefits. As indicated by specialists, the main cause of the appearance of varicose veins is the same as in many pathologies, genetic predisposition and sedentary life. 


Here's a breakdown of the most common factors that may be due to your problem with varicose veins:

Obesity: Being overweight causes an increase in pressure in the veins of the lower extremities, favoring the dilation of these.

Genetic inheritance: In the event that someone in your family suffers or has suffered from varicose veins, determines that you have a greater predisposition to suffer them than people who do not have previous cases in the family. In any case, you may never suffer them.

Age: The appearance of varicose veins is much more likely in adults from 45 years of age than in young people.

Pregnancy: It is very likely that varicose veins appear during pregnancy, this is usually due to hormonal changes, the pressure of the uterus that exerts on the veins and, of course, the weight gain.

Sedentary: If you are one of those who do not exercise regularly, your lack of muscle may hinder proper circulation, so that the formation of varicose veins is more likely.

Type of work: If you do jobs that require you to stand for a long time, the chances of suffering varicose veins increase significantly.

The most common surgery for the treatment of serious varicose veins is saphenectomy or complete fleboextraction. This intervention consists in the extirpation of the internal or external saphenous veins, because they are the veins in which varicose veins usually form.

General benefits of varicose vein surgery and New Spider Vein Treatments: The benefits of undergoing varicose vein surgery are mainly the elimination of the problem and the symptoms caused by them.

Some of them are highlighted below to improve your health:

Restore circulation: After surgery, normal circulation is restored, which eliminates the stagnation of blood in varicose veins and lightens the return of blood to the heart. This also allows the swelling and burning in the legs to disappear.

Eliminate unsightly signs: After the intervention and the recovery process, the varicose veins are usually not visible through the skin, the swelling disappears and the abnormal coloration of the skin as well. You can go back to wearing more tight clothes or shorter items that show your legs without complexes or discomfort.