Friday 31 May 2019

Guide about the Endovenous ablation (radiofrequency and laser) for varicose veins:

Varicose veins are dilated, twisted superficial veins. When they are in the legs they can be painful, itchy or unsightly, especially when patients are standing and walking. Varicose veins are usually treated with surgery to remove the veins, by stripping them to the level of the knee, so they are called as high ligation and stripping. New less invasive treatments seal the main leaking vein in the thigh using foam sclerotherapy, laser (endovenous laser therapy) or radiofrequency ablation for Laser Ablation Recovery and RF Ablation Recovery. These techniques may result in less pain after the procedure, fewer complications, and a quicker return to work and normal activities with improved patient quality of life, as well as avoiding the need for a general anaesthetic.


The review brought together all available randomised controlled trials that compared the new techniques to surgery in the treatment of varicosities in the great saphenous vein. You will found 13 trials, with a combined total of 3081 randomised patients, which met your inclusion criteria. Three trials compared foam sclerotherapy with surgery, eight trials compared endovenous laser therapy with surgery and five compared Radiofrequency Ablation Before And After with surgery (two studies had two or more comparisons with surgery). Overall the quality of the studies was acceptable, however none of the studies tried to cover the treatment type from the participants, researchers and clinicians, or those who measured the outcomes. Most of the studies also had other biases.

For foam compared with surgery, there was no difference between the treatment groups in the rate of recurrence as measured by a clinician and the rate of recurrence that was noted by patient symptoms. The treatment group for technical failure has no basic difference. Comparing laser therapy and surgery, there was no difference between the reappearance rates it will be either clinician noted or by symptoms or for reopening of the treated vein that is Recanalisation. New vein growth (neovascularisation) and technical failure were both higher in the surgery group than in the laser group. To compare between radiofrequency ablation and surgery there were no differences between the treatment groups for recurrence, recanalisation, neovascularisation or technical failure. Outcomes that measure changes in patients' quality of life, operative complications and pain were not able to be compared directly, however quality of life generally increased similarly in all treatment groups and complications were usually low, especially major complications. Pain reporting differs greatly between the studies but in general pain it was similar between the treatment groups.

The limited evidence that supports the foam sclerotherapy, endovenous laser therapy and radiofrequency ablation are not as good as than open surgery. However, it should be noted that there were large differences between the way the studies reported their outcomes, which included definitions and collection time points. These differences limited the findings of your review. You need more data from randomised controlled trials comparing these novel therapies to surgery before you really know their true potential. Patients must Care After Radiofrequency Ablation.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Top Tips To Remove The Problem Of Spider Veins

Treatments for spider veins: Those red and purple little veins that leave and disfigure the skin of the face, legs and many parts of the body. It causes you great discomfort to see them appear and you can not do anything. Well, that was until now because you are going to know how you can eliminate them, or at least slow down their appearance. 

What are spider veins?


They are micro dilatations of blood vessels caused by an abnormality in the normal flow of blood. This causes it to spin, accumulate and show a more intense color under the skin. If it sounds strange to you, it is something similar to the causes of dark circles that are a dilation of the blood vessels around the eyes. If you notice, they match in the color that can go from pink to red and darken from purple to black. But spider veins are very common in the legs, ankles and in the nose. Although aesthetically for you are a problem, if you go to the doctor will tell you that they are not. He will call them telagiectasias and they are somewhat different from varicose veins. These can cause discomfort, pain and health problems.

There is a lot of literature and a lot of scientific information, but what you have to do is that it is caused by poor circulation of blood. If you have small spider veins, those that are a few threads, or a few larger ones that look like a spider web, hence the name, means there are some problems of circulation. If, instead, you begin to observe that the vein threads turn into varicose veins, the problem is evident. This does not mean you are alarmed.  Spider veins are an aesthetic problem but nothing more. You have bad circulation is not to make the will. You can take several paths and do things differently to improve it.

 Treatment to remove spider veins: When spider veins are located in very visible areas such as the face or when they take a larger size you can use surgery to eliminate them. If they are of a small average size or have just come out the best thing is to make the laser compatible with natural products since this has very good results. You can also use creams and lotions that improve the tone of the skin and therefore strengthen the circulation and function of the capillaries.

How To Remove Spider Veins: To remove spider veins there are different methods:

Surgery: This method is indicated to Prevent Varicose Veins. The phlebotomy is a surgical operation that removes Painful Varicose Veins. For this, a focus is used as a guide under the skin that illuminates the system of the person's veins.

Laser Treatment: Laser treatment is the best method for Spider Vein Removal with the best results. Removing spider veins with laser requires a single session and is forever. They do not come out again. Depending on the number you have of them you may need to go to the clinic more than once. But the one that is treated that day disappears forever. You can also consult Vein Clinics Of America Cost to remove spider veins from vein clinics.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Why varicose veins occur and how we can deal with them

Varicose veins are basically an inflammation of the veins, making them visible under the skin. They usually appear on the skin of the legs, but can also occur on other parts of the body.

Leg spasm appears when there is an excess of pressure in the veins, causing a lot of blood to accumulate and the veins to dilate. There are many restless leg causes like it occurs in the most superficial veins, so they happen to be very noticeable on the skin, resulting in an unsightly problem for many women.


This skin discoloration disease occurs when the walls of the blood vessels are weak, and may also be hereditary. But it is also a common cause when a lot of pressure is exerted on these veins especially that of the legs, as it can be when one spends a lot of time standing or in the same position.

How to cure varicose veins

There are ways to remove varicose and spider veins effectively through surgery or laser treatments. However, these are expensive treatments and can be too aggressive on the skin.

The remedies to eliminate the varicose veins that we give you below are all natural and can be easily done at home, helping to improve circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  1. Leg massages
Perform massages on the legs is a way to eliminate varicose veins effectively, since it helps activate and improve circulation, preventing the accumulation of blood in the vessels of that area.

Massages should preferably be performed with the help of spider vein removal cream. To facilitate the massage you can use lubricating oils. Try not to press on bulging veins and do it gently.
  1. Physical activity
Another effective way to eliminate varicose veins in the legs is by exercising or maintaining an active lifestyle. Movement or exercise maintains active cardiovascular activity, promoting circulation and preventing the appearance of varicose veins, especially in the legs.

You should avoid standing for long periods of time or sitting in the same position without moving. If you have to stand for a long time in your workplace or in the same position, try to get up and walk from time to time to stretch your legs.

One of the exercises that work best when it comes to eliminating varicose veins is swimming, since it improves circulation in the legs.
  1. Anti-inflammatory diet
Food is always key to our health and well-being, but in this case it may be beneficial to include anti-inflammatory foods in our diet. There are a number of foods that allow us to improve circulation and combat varicose veins, since they are rich in vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and are anti-inflammatory.
  1. Compression stockings
Compression stockings are one of the most used techniques to eliminate varicose veins in the legs. The gentle but constant pressure exerted on the legs allows reducing the swelling of the veins and offers greater support to the walls of the blood vessels. It also allows the valves to better perform their function, making it easier for the blood to circulate. Also legs moving at night and involuntarily leg movement can solve the issue of spider vein.

Monday 20 May 2019

What are symptoms of varicose veins and what is solution for it

All night time cramping have a solution and can be eliminated forever. Varicose veins are a disorder of the cardiovascular system that manifests mostly in the legs and has as a consequence a degeneration of some veins that were initially healthy, but that over time have been dilating, the valves are no longer competent to do a good return, and the only thing they do now is accumulate blood.

The most aesthetic or superficial varicose veins have a strong component of hormonal alterations, that is why they are closely related to contraceptive treatments and to pregnancies; Likewise, the use of tight clothing or high heels, for example, may be the cause of the appearance of varicose veins.


The other type of varicose veins of more pathological origin, and which are usually larger, has a high genetic load.

Venaseal before and after results are very different if one take treatment on time.

On the other hand, starting from the basis of the patient's tendency to varicose veins, there are a number of factors that can aggravate the condition of varicose veins, such as standing for many hours or exposure to high temperatures

Symptom of varicose veins

When varicose formations are present, patients usually have a feeling of tired legs; more than pain itself is a feeling of heaviness and need to put your legs at rest.

It can also generate swelling in the legs, itchy skin, some cramping...

Varicose veins cannot be prevented, although the progression of their appearance can be controlled. It is recommended to practice sports activities with little impact, such as walking, cycling; It is also advisable not to spend too many hours standing up, nor to be exposed too long to intense heat sources such as saunas, braziers or direct heating; the adjusted clothes and the use of heels (because of the impact on the feet) does not favor the symptoms of varicose veins

Among the complications (rare) that can occur as a result of the existence of varicose veins is varicorrhagia, that is, vein rupture. The rupture of a vein normally occurs in very large veins or in people with very little fat, as well as in veins that are very close to the skin and by some blow or friction it is possible that the vein opens.

Cure for varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins, there are different techniques like radiofrequency ablation recovery depending on the type of varicose vein and the diagnosis that the doctor makes after the patient's assessment.

There are different types of varicose veins, which are those small veins that break on both the face and legs and are known as "aesthetic varicose veins"; these are more superficial and with less cardiovascular involvement, and can be treated well with laser therapy for varicose veins.

On the other hand to larger varicose veins that pose a real health problem, for the pain they cause in people who suffer, especially in the hottest months, and also have more severe implications at cardiovascular level. For these varicose veins we resort to rf ablation procedure for the most extreme cases.

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Sunday 12 May 2019

Various effective treatments for leg cramps

There are many varicose veins natural treatment. Below you can read various treatments for leg cramps


It is the ideal treatment to eliminate small varicose veins or superficial spider veins of small extension. It consists in the infiltration in the painful varicose veins, which will travel through the vein causing its degeneration and finally definitive disappearance.



To eliminate annoying varicose veins and with the risk of degenerating into bigger problems, the best treatment is Sclerotherapy with Microfoam. It is valid for both small varicose veins and large (truncal) varicose veins.

is rf ablation painful – no it is not. At first, with the infiltration of the product we achieved a visual and aesthetic improvement since apparently the varicose vein disappears. This effect is due to the fact that the introduced substance pushes the accumulation of stagnant and deoxygenated blood, which looks red, green or purple, and is replaced by another colorless substance, giving the sensation that the vein has disappeared.

Previously, the restless leg treatment with sclerotherapy introduced the product in a liquid state, and as it passed through the veins it was able to be reabsorbed by the venous walls. With the Microfoam what is achieved is that the product adheres to the walls of the glass, thanks to its foam state, and while this microfoam melts it is making an effect on the inner surface of the vein.

Surgical technique

Radiofrequency ablation treatment is a totally effective technique if practiced properly. It consists of disconnecting the vein of its origin and its end, ending by its extraction completely.

The drawback of this technique is that it is more traumatic for the patient compared to the other techniques; it generates a lot of bruising, the postoperative period is more complex, you have to wear a compressive bandage for a while, it costs more to recover. Also for this technique an anesthesia with epidural is needed.


As in any aesthetic medicine treatment, the doctor's assessment of each patient is key to being able to diagnose the most appropriate treatment to treat varicose veins and to guarantee the best results.

First of all, a physical examination is performed, which is what they do by palpating and observing the area or areas to be treated. This clinical examination is performed with the patient standing to see the legs in overload.

In the second place, the doctor performs a deeper study, Doppler ultrasound of varicose veins and takes superficial thrombophlebitis pictures. The Doppler venous echo is an ultrasound technique that allows visualizing the functioning and structure of the blood vessels with measurement of blood flow and vascular resistance to the passage of said flow. The doctor also relies on the Eco Doppler to rule out phlebitis or possible problems related to circulation.

Thanks to this technique, the doctor can map the venous system, both superficial and deep, to see which veins are affected and in what way.

With superficial veins it is possible to perform the treatment with greater agility,

After the varicose veins pregnancy treatment, the patient should wear special compression stockings, and depending on the type of vein, they should take them more or less time. The function of the media is to exert a decreasing compression, from bottom to top, which roughly the work is done by the veins.

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How to remove varicose veins by mean of natural methods

One of the most common problems that women usually suffer is leg twitching. Beyond an aesthetic problem, the appearance of varicose veins in the legs is due to the obstruction of blood vessels that can affect the veins, resulting not only in the appearance of reddish or purple spider veins on the legs, but also in pain.

The appearance of leg spasms is not only an aesthetic issue but can cause pain and discomfort when not treated in time.
How to remove varicose veins naturally with home remedies

Do you want to know how to remove varicose veins then read below some tips for it.

What causes phlebitis?

Our venous system is an extensive network of channels, ranging from large to tiny and carrying blood with little oxygen from the tissues of the body and organs back to the heart and lungs. The re-oxygenated blood is then taken to the organs that need it through our arterial system.

Because we spend a lot of time standing up, fighting with the force of gravity, the veins in our legs are equipped with valves that allow blood to flow upwards in the direction of the heart. When closed, these valves prevent the return flow.

However, an estimated 10 to 30% of the population, determined by inheritance, by professions that involve an exorbitant amount of time standing or sitting , old age, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and smoking , have valves with malfunctioning and that begin to allow the return of the flow.

The increased pressure of gravity dilates the veins and thins their walls, especially the veins that are just below the skin. This creates the characteristic appearance of superficial varicosities.

Finding how to treat varicose veins

When the symptoms are mild, the common ways of treating them are simple. Raising the legs at the level of the heart approximately several times a day can help in the fight against gravity, but it is not always practical.

You may also find it more controllable to wear compression stockings up to your knee or exercise. The averages decrease the distension of the superficial veins and help to diminish the edema or the swelling.

Exercise, such as walking and movements that include ankle flexion, helps to push blood up and reduces the flow of return.

Some attention has been paid to the use of dietary supplements, such as horse chestnut extract, to relieve varicose veins.

But, as with all dietary supplements sold in this country, the regulatory oversight is irregular and what the label says is not always what's on the package.

Can varicose veins be serious?

 In some cases, the return flow can initiate a devastating cascade of events, resulting in leakage of fluid with swelling. With prolonged filtration, the skin takes a brownish color. In addition, the skin can break, forming very painful ulcers, superficial and usually with a slow healing process in the legs that require care of a professional in the care of wounds.

When the varicose veins become more severe, there are several restless leg treatments available. These include rf ablation treatment, laser therapy, venous ablation and surgical excision.

Is radiofrequency ablation painful – no radiofrequency ablation painful is not painful at all.

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Know about treatment for restless leg syndrome

Most varicose veins and spider veins appear in the legs due to the pressure of body weight, the force of gravity, and the task of carrying blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.

Compared to other veins in the body, the veins of the legs have the difficult job of bringing blood back to the heart. They have to withstand a higher pressure and this pressure can be stronger than the valves in the veins.


Spider veins in the legs can be unsightly. Nobody likes to have venous insufficiency symptoms, especially in areas with warm climates, when it comes time to wear shorts (summer). Of course, you can use cosmetics that help to hide them, but would not it be better to eliminate varicose veins and forget about the problem? Radiofrequency ablation procedure is best option for Varicose Veins.
  • To reduce varicose veins in the legs you will need increase circulation and reduce the pressure in the legs. There are several ways to do this and it is not a difficult task. One of the varicose veins remedy is not to wear tight clothing. The only acceptable tight clothing is compression stockings.
  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time hinders circulation and gives pressure to the veins. Try to achieve a balance between sitting and standing and elevate the feet and legs whenever possible. After this one can see good varicose vein removal before and after results.
  • do exercise. Consider adding more exercise to your lifestyle is one of best treatment for spider veins. In particular, any exercise that keeps the legs moving, such as walking, dancing, jogging, skating, swimming, low-impact aerobics, weight training, stretching, yoga, pilates, golf and skiing are good.
  • Get massaged. Massage is another great way to increase circulation. It's always nice to get someone to massage you but it's just as beneficial if you do it. The massage should be done with an upward movement with the palms of the hands and gently squeezing with the fingers to move the blood from the veins and activate circulation to the heart.
  • Lose weight. Excess weight increases the risk of suffering spider veins in the legs. Therefore, if you are over your weight you may have to lose weight a little. A healthy diet for good circulation is one that is low in fat, sugar, salt and refined carbohydrates, but rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber and grains.
  • Vascular sclerosis. Sclerotherapy treatments are another option that can be used to decrease spider veins in the legs. This is done through a doctor, who will be in charge of injecting a solution into the vein. This treatment can be done in a clinic; it does not need hospitalization or anesthesia. There are also laser treatments that are very effective.
Spider veins can get worse and create more serious problems. Therefore do not let the days go by and take treatment for restless leg syndrome to increase circulation and begin the healing process.

Monday 6 May 2019

Restless legs syndrome and its treatment

Restless legs syndrome is a condition that causes you an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually due to an uncomfortable feeling. Leg Spasms usually occurs in the afternoon or evening when you are sitting or lying down. The movement temporarily relieves the unpleasant sensation. So Restless Leg Treatment is must to make life easy.

Restless legs syndrome, which is now called "restless legs syndrome can start at any age and usually gets worse over time. It can create problem in Legs Moving at Night, which interferes with your daily activities.

Some simple steps of self-care and changes in lifestyle can help. There are also Treatment For Restless Leg Syndrome that help many people with restless legs syndrome.


The main symptom is the need to move the legs. The frequent features that accompany restless legs syndrome include the following:

  • Sensations that begin after rest. Typically, the sensation begins after lying down or sitting for long periods of time.
  • Relief when moving. The feeling of restless legs syndrome decreases with movement (for example, stretching, shaking the legs, walking or Leg twitching).
  • Symptoms get worse at night. Symptoms appear mainly at night.
  • Spasms in the legs at night. Restless legs syndrome may be associated with another more frequent condition called "periodic movement of the extremities during sleep," which causes the legs to shake and spasm, possibly throughout the night as you sleep.

People often describe the Leg Spasm as abnormal and unpleasant sensations in the legs or feet. These sensations are commonly experienced on both sides of the body. Less frequently, these sensations occur in the arms.

The sensations, which usually occur more inside the limb than on the skin, are described as:
  • Tickling
  • Tingle
  • Pulls
  • Involuntarily Leg Movement
  • Pain
  • Itch
  • Electricity
Sometimes, the sensations are difficult to explain. Affected people do not usually describe the condition as muscle cramps or numbness. However, it is often described as an intense desire to move the legs.

It is common for symptoms to vary in intensity. Sometimes, the symptoms disappear for a while and then return.

Restless Leg Causes

In general, Restless Leg Causes is unknown. The researchers suspect that the condition may be due to an imbalance of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that sends messages to control the movement of muscles.

Hereditary factor

Sometimes restless legs syndrome is hereditary, especially if the condition begins before age 40. Researchers have identified sites on chromosomes where the genes that cause restless leg syndrome may be present.


Pregnancy or hormonal changes can temporarily worsen the signs and symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Some women get this syndrome for the first time during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. However, the signs and symptoms usually disappear after delivery.

Risk factors

Restless legs syndrome can manifest itself at any age, even during childhood. The disorder is more frequent as the age advances and is more frequent in women than in men.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Eliminate varicose veins with intravenous radiofrequency ablation

Varicose veins in the lower extremities are the most frequent vascular pathology, which currently affects 25% of women and 15% of men. For a long time the main treatment for Painful Varicose Veins has been surgical intervention such as the ligature of the arch and the stripping. But now non-invasive techniques such as RF Ablation Recovery with intravenous radiofrequency are performed.
Intravenous radiofrequency to eliminate varicose veins

Radiofrequency Ablation Recovery is based on magnetic and electric waves that cause the vibration and friction of the atoms when they come in contact with a tissue. With this friction, thermal energy is created and a consequent increase in temperature that affects the structure of blood vessels treated at the molecular level. Thus, radiofrequency for Spider Vein Removal aims to induce the fibrotic occlusion of the vein and its disappearance by arthrophy.

 Advantages of radiofrequency to eliminate varicose veins

Various clinical and experimental investigations have shown Radiofrequency Ablation before and After give very effective results. Radiofrequency is an effective method of treatment for varicose veins, with lasting results and patient satisfaction.

In addition, it has been compared with conventional techniques and equals them in results, but it is clearly advantageous in that it provides a shorter recovery time, less postoperative pain and a better quality of life after the intervention.

Radio frequency has also been shown to be better than endolaser, the other non-invasive technique to Prevent Varicose Veins. And it is that radio frequency does not perforate the venous wall and does not present the high temperature peaks caused by the endolaser, which leads to the fact that radiofrequency at Vein Clinics of America Cost does not present bruises like the other technique. Postoperative recovery is also faster with radiofrequency and very less Care after Radiofrequency Ablation needed. Patients reported a higher quality of life after the intervention than those who underwent endolaser.

 Results of radiofrequency

Currently, radiofrequency platform represents an important improvement in this technique, since it increases the speed and simplification of the procedure. The RF Ablation before and After results recorded has been 99% effective and the possibility of returning to work after 2 days.
In short, this new system is superior to the previous one, and adds more advantages to radiofrequency, the minimally care after RF Ablation, fast and lasting results of varicose vein removal.

How should I prepare?
  • Your doctor may advise you to stop taking aspirin, no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or anticoagulants for a specific period of time before the procedure.
  • You must wear comfortable and loose clothing. You will have to remove all clothing and jewellery from the area to be examined.
  • It is advisable to schedule a family member or friend to take you to your home once the procedure is completed.
Who interprets the results, and how are they informed?

An ultrasound follow-up examination is essential to evaluate the treated vein and look for adverse results. Within a week, the vein under treatment must be completely closed.
This procedure leaves almost no scar since the placement of the catheter requires openings of only a few millimetres in the skin, and not large incisions.